The Magic, Mystery & Science of Water | Isabel Friend #042

You may think water is a simple molecule, such a basic element, but the truth is, Water is NOT simple. At all.

Water is actually profoundly complex and mysterious.

We know very little about water. It behaves anonymously, unlike anything in the universe. And its functions completely baffles scientists.

We are made of water. We are 99.92% water molecularly.

We need a strategy to optimise our water!

Post  Fukushima and mid-fracking. The water that most of the population are drinking, showering in and made up of is very low in quality. Stripped of it’s nature, structure and life-force.

We are literally bodies water living on a body of water. You better get to know yourself.


Isabel Friend has a borderline obsessive fascination with water.

She teaches full time about water and facilitates ceremonies and host retreats about water all around the world.

She’s a public speaker, certified nutritionist, Mystic dance and Integral yoga teacher and Reiki master with a passion for understanding the power of earth-based living and 5 element integration.

She has also trained extensively in aromatherapy and herbalism.

With 10 years of experience in the field of health, her wellness philosophy centres around the idea of being close to nature.

She is a nerd who is passionate about bringing modern scientific understanding together with ancient ancestral wisdom in a way that grounds primal living strategies into our 21st century lifestyles.


Water is Profoundly Mysterious to Modern Science

  • The science of water completely baffles scientists because it is profoundly mysterious to modern science.
  • How water holds the answer to life’s mysteries.

64 Anomalies of Water

Water can push through hard surfaces like concrete.

Water floats as it becomes more dense.

Unlike any substance. Usually when a substance becomes more dense, it sinks!

Quantum Coherence Anomaly

Water molecules under extreme physical pressure  can arrange themselves into super small hexagonal states around a ring and enter into a Quantum tunnelling state – It can pass through SOLID walls – bilocate, trilocate but also sextolocate – the same water molecule can occupy more than 6 locations at once! Simultaneously present in multiple spaces.

This is similar to what is in the vedas are Siddhis (divine superhuman capabilities).

Water has the ability to communicate with water all around the world.

How we lack the full spectrum of elemental nourishment

All the 5 Elements (PanchaMahabhutas: Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth) are in Water.

The Water Element is Feminine

Water is thsacred communion of masculine and famine – Hydrogen and Oxygen.

The Fourth Phase of Water

  • The water that has a highly structured matrix of hexagonal clusters of water molecules.
  • Bulk water that is in formation, thus stores information.
  • Drinking, eating and absorbing fourth phase water shifts experience of hydration and therefor of being human altogether.
  • The crystalline state of water – it acts like a crystal.


If it’s in a formation, they can store information.

Functions of a crystal – Absorb, Store, Eat, Amplify and Transduce.

Cosmic Phases of Water

Water inside star nurseries that give birth to stars and inside stars themselves.

Why it is so important to consume structured water

  • Influences the way our body generates energy (ATP).
  • Structured water allows more effective communication between our cells.
  • Longevity and DNA health – It determines the shape, the integrity and the electro-magnetic field of the DNA and the tele mores in the DNA.

Dr. Alexis Carrel

A a French surgeon and biologist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1912 for pioneering vascular suturing techniques.

He showed the cell itself is immortal. It can live as long as it’s extra-cellular environment is optimal.

The Fifth Phase of Water

Ageing is Essentially the Body Drying Up

Is your body optimally retaining water?

You are not going to get hydrated and lubricated by drinking more water, it has to be a structured so that it going into the cells.

The Importance of Lubrication

High quality lipids and fats to maintain the cellular membranes and fluids so that out body can absorb specific beneficial kinds of hydrogen and water.

3 Kinds of Hydrogens

  1. Tritium – or hydrogen-3 is a rare and radioactive isotope of hydrogen
  2. Protium
  3. Deuterium – a heavier hydrogen. Double the mass of regular (Protium) hydrogen. If our channels our inadequately lubricated, we get sluggish etc.

The Importance of Proper Hydration for Mental Health

Only 20% of our brain function is neuro-chemical and 80% electrical. What is the electrical capacity of your osmotic flow? That is what influences mental health. And that as is influenced by proper hydration.

Phase Angle as form the measure electrical capacity of osmotic flow and hydration.

Dr. Van Annroy – A neurologist and psychologist who addresses hydration first. Even in cases as severe as bipolar disorder.

Cancer can be traced back to intra-cellular hydration.

Omega 3 vs. Omega 6 Oils

The First Signs of Dehydration

  • Brain fog
  • Sleepiness
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Mood swings
  • General irritability

Thirst is one of the last signals that you are hydration.


A layer which covers and surrounds blood vessels, muscles and nerves.

  • Around 80% water. The other 20% is proteins and collagen.
  • Your fascia water is high structured. It is a breathing, moving web of structured gel.
  • One of your body’s main hydraulic pumps, the way your body delivers hydration to eery cell, and it delivers electrical signals faster than the nerves at the speed of light! (700 miles/hour).
  • Healthy fascia is essential to transport hydration.

The Epidemic of Chronic Dehydration

Within 5 minutes of drinking water, it becomes your blood

How to Structure (Thus Optimise) Your Water

  • Think how nature does it, then mimic nature.

Spring Water – Harvesting your own or getting it delivered

  • Go to a spring and harvest your own spring water. (See Resources below how to find a spring near you).
  • Ask the elders where a nearby spring is if you cannot find one.
  • So alive, energised and structured that makes you feel energised.

You can replace your entire body value water after drinking 5 gallons or drinking water for one month.

Hot Springs

  • Mineral dense hard water.
  • Good occasionally and medicinally.


The practice of partaking of the waters. Water therapy.

Traditional hot spring spas for therapeutic use.

Filtering & Structuring Your Tap Water

To clear out toxins, neutralise chlorine, giving it prana.

Ways to Structure Water

  • Movement – especially vortex methods.
  • Near infrared radiation.
  • Magnetic.
  • The present of hydrophilic (water loving) surfaces like crystals.

How to Power a City’s Entire Electrical Grid from It’s Plumbing Alone

Spiralled copper pipes.

“Get a Filter, or Become the Filter”
~ Commonsense Proverb

BPA Free Plastic

BPA Free plastic has more Oestrogenic Agents than plastic with BPAs.

Reverse Osmosis

Dead water.

Alkaline Water

  • What makes the water alkaline? Does it have ionic minerals or has it been electrocuted by an ioniser machine to separate the hydrogen.
  • Drinking alkaline water long term hampers the digestion and causes excess detoxification of good tissues.
  • Testing the body’s pH level.

We Are Still Aquatic Beings

As a foetus, we had gills.

“We carry oceans within our selves in order to be able to adapt to walk on land.”
~ Isabel Friend

Marine Plasma

  • The primordial soup. An oceanic broth of everything necessary to sustain life that contains the entire periodic table of elements, DNA, RNA, fatty acids, the entire spectrum of genetic information going back to the primordial soup.
  • Marine life swims thousands of miles every year to get to this in the sea.
  • Found in a few different vortexes in the ocean.

The Origin of Water

Thermo-Haline Circulation

The oxygen we breathe is coming from the depths of the ocean.

All the elements are born from water.

Further benefits of Structured Water

  • You need 20-50% less water when using structured water in agriculture – less pesticides, healthier minerals in soil, healthier plants.
  • Food can be grown anywhere – we can put an end to world hunger.
  • Renewable energy – if the pipes to transfer water were switched to pipes implemented with vortex technology to make it spiral – it could generate renewable and sustainable energy. You can get pipes like this from

The Current Economic and Social Situation on Water

Water is the Key to Solving Climate Change

Water Sheds

Getting to know where your water comes from.

Water conservation, water justice and water democracy.

Supporting activists and guardians that are on the front line.

De-Salinated Water

Isabels Water Retreats

Gathering at sacred water sights and completely immersing in the magic, science and mystery of water.


Isabel’s Website –

Extreme Wellness Water Filter – the world’s best water filter. – Ensure your spring water is not contaminated by tracking.

Water Keepers Alliance

The Blue Planet Project – fighting to give rivers themselves human rights.

Water Needs You ~ Here’s How to Help – Guide to taking action on the water crisis.

Related Article: Why It’s Far More Important to Filter Bathing Water That Drinking Water


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Special thanks to Rudolf Steiner and Jiddu Krishnamurti for providing content.

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