Punarnava (Boerrharia diffusa) Uses & Benefits

The Punarnava Boerhavia Diffusa plant promotes cellular re-incarnation. Punarnava means “tech makes old cells new.”

“Punarha” = again.
“Navaha” = new.

The old cell transfers its energy (through chemistry) to the new cell. The old body is renewed. Re-incarnation occurs on the cellular level. Cellular memory (“smriti”) is revitalised and restored to perfect health.

It is a superb herb to rejuvenate the kidneys and enhance lymphatic drainage (prabhava).


English: Indian/Spreading Hogweed
Sanskrit: Punarnavā
Latin: Boerhaavia diffusa
Sveta Purnanava (Boerhaavia repens) is another variety of Punarnava that has a white flower. This is more potent and rare.

Its English name “Spreading Hogweed,” is a good description of how this plant spreads as a selfish weed across the ground. Farmers usually chuck the plant out in the trash.


Rasa (taste): Astringent, Bitter, Sweet.
Virya (energy): Cooling
Vipaka (post-digestive effect): Pungent
Gunas (quality): Dry, light.
DoshaVPK-, V+ in excess

Ayurvedic Action

Ganas (groups):
Vayasthapana (Anti-Aging)
Svedopaga (Adjuvants to Sudation therapy)
Kasaghna (Cures Cough)


Kidneys and Lymphatic

Punarnava Boerhavia Diffusa enhances lymphatic drainage and rejuvenates the kidneys. Helps in nephritis or impaired urinary function. Excellent to reduce excess fluids, swelling, oedema and congestion from excess kapha. Thus, also helps reduce scrotal and abdomen enlargement.


It increases digestive fire (deepana) and stimulates sluggish digestion. It absorbs fluids from the digestive system and can be constipating. It helps remove poisons and worms.


Punarnava’s reduces medas dhatu (fat tissue) and balances mutravaha srotas (urinary channels).

Parts Used

Whole plant, root and leaf.
The leaves can be used as a leafy green in dahl.

“Punarha naveenam karoti”
“Which makes all cells new.”

Important Formulations

Punarnavadi Mandoor
One of my formulations of choice also containing iron (mandoora) aplus many more herbs which activate the liver and spleen (ranjaka pitta) to create more rakta (blood cells). This formula not only increases iron in the body but increases our ability to produce and metabolise iron. It also helps in kidney health and diabetes, anaemia, splenomegaly, piles and fever. This formula contains medicinal metals which are completely safe and which you should be educated and informed about before taking them.

Punarnavadi Guggulu
For reducing water retention, congestive heart conditions and treating oedematous inflammatory joint diseases and gout.

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Special thanks to Rudolf Steiner and Jiddu Krishnamurti for providing content.

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