Bees: Crucial Beeings for Health on Earth | Simon Mulvany #031

After listening to this podcast, I am sure you will look at bees differently.

Your awareness of this creature who shares the earth with us will shift.

Bees are Natures Alchemists

Bees take all the most concentrated and refined products of plants and then concentrate and refine them further. Whilst human herbalists work roots, seeds, bark and leaves, Bees work with the bits we are just too clumsy to handle.

This podcast is more for the lame person who are not intimate with bees, rather than well seasoned bee keepers.


Simon is a solider on the front line protecting the bees, protecting our honey, protecting the Australian and worldwide economy of bee keepers, honey farmers, and protecting our environment! He is very knowledgeable on Melittology or Apicology, scientific study of bees.

Basically, Simon is a hippie who started writing fascinatingly intelligent blog posts about bees, including writing about imported and adulterated honey in Australia, which attracted a lawsuit against one of the big honey corporations.

He’s beyond passionate when it comes to bees. ?


Bees are the most studied create on earth.

Bees mentioned in The Vedas

Flowers are representation of the cosmic energy of the sun.

Light workers of the sun.

They take that pollen into their dark hive and alchemise sun-golden amrit (nectar).

Bees are the collective consciousness of the flowers and further than that, the sun.

The buzzing sound of bees came from a goddess who resides in the heart chakra and emitted this buzzing, humming noise, imitated in Vedic chants, representing the primordial sound of the universe

“When the honey-lash comes bestowing gifts, there life’s breath, and there immortality has settled down…Luster shall be sustained… O Asvins, lords of Brightness, anoint me with the honey of the bee, that I may speak forceful speech among men.”
Honey whip of the Aswini twins in Arthava Veda

Vegan Policies and Honey & Bee Products

Interacting, cultivating and consuming bee products in a respectful and sustainable way can be more sustainable for the earth than avoiding honey. Rather than letting the bees go on suicide mission to pollinate broad acre mono-culture farms like almond farms.

Bee Venom Therapy

One of the first form of acupuncture.

Immune boosting, anti-inflammatory, nerve tissue balancing and more.

See the full benefits of Bee Venom Therapy here

Bees as a foundational important element in a healthy ecology

  • Our ecosystem will collapse without them.
  • At least 1/3 of all food is pollinated by bees!
  • At least 90 commercially grown crops depend upon bee pollination for survival.
  • Without bees, there would be no almonds, apples, blueberries, cherries, avocados, cucumbers, onions, grapefruit, oranges and pumpkins would also disappear.
  • 1 Bee would produce 3000 almonds.
  • Bees are the undisputed champions of the pollination world. And their secret weapon? Sight.

The importance of Pollination

Water damaged building exposure is the key that turns normal sinus fungus into bad guy fungus.

This is how mould can be spread from partner to partner.

Native Indigenous Bee Species

  • Australia has over 1650 species of native bees.
  • They are essential pollinators. But they are driven away from this job mainly due to pesticides and insecticides.
  • They don’t live in hives, they live underground or in holes in trees.
  • To attract threatened indigenous bees, plant indigenous plants.
  • We cannot get much honey from the native bees.

The spiritual insight of observing bees

  • Live together in colonies.
  • No hierarchy.
  • If bees are dying or collapsing, it is giving us an indicator that us a species are doing something that opposes evolution.

Bee Hives are a Super Organism

They all have a very cohesive role.


  • One of the most beautiful things Simon has seen.
  • How 90,000 mind work together in harmony.
  • It is their nature to swarm of honey bees. It is how the super organism reproduces.
  • Some people try to stop it because they invade other people property. Fair enough. But create empty boxes for the swarm to colonise or keep on building on their current hive.
  • The virgin queen mates with up to 80-100 drones (the male) mate during a swarm. Every drone that mates with the queen, dies. Sexual suicide.

Queen Bee

  • In most cases, the mother of ALL the bees in the hive. Can be 30,000-60,000 children! all who are siblings.
  • She lays 2000 eggs/day, that’s more than 1 per minute! And mostly all those eggs hatch.
  • Perhaps more appropriately called Mother Bee since she has no power of the colon.

Rudolf Steiner predicated a massive crisis of bees loosing their identity (ego) due to artificial insemination of queens.

He predicted a colony collapse disorder.

Big crisis in 70 years (1990).

Imagine not evolving past a teenager. People would forget how to be an adult.

Cuddle Death / Murder Ball

Killing the Queen bee when it is her time do step down from the throne. They kill her via friction and heat.

They do this same mechanism to wasps and the colonies.

Non-violent queen rearing; (raising queen bees)

  • Grafting Queen large – The process of transferring larva (after an egg hatches) from the worker cell of the breeder’s hive to an artificial queen cell. The shape of the cell, along with the queenless condition of the hive receiving the newly grafted cells stimulates the workers to feed them a diet which make them develop into queens.
  • Wing clipping
    • 1. it will keep the colony from swarming. – The idea behind swarm prevention is that once the queen’s wings are clipped, she won’t be able to fly. When the swarm realises the queen isn’t with them, it returns to the hive. In the short term, this can buy you some time. But the colony retains the impulse to swarm even if the queen can’t come along. Eventually, the swarm will leave anyway, perhaps with a virgin queen.
    • The importance of swarming.
    • 2. It can indicate the year the queen was produced.
    • It can be used to mark a particularly valuable queen.
    • Importance of wings: Bee wings contain rigid veins that strengthen the wing and carry hemolymph from the body cavity, through the wing, and back again. Some of the veins also have nerves running through them
  • and high rotation of queens (6-12 months commercially)

Sting vs. Non Sting

  • What determines a bee stinging someone or leaving them.
  • How bees anthropologically acquired stingers.
  • If you are slow and calm, you won’t get stung.
  • When someone is anxious and moving a lot, that will trigger the bees to sting you.
  • Smoke triggers the bees to move into the hive and say think there is a threat of fire, so will not sting as much.

Simons Solution:

Rather than one bee keeper with 200,000 hives or a big corporations having 200,000 hives, we need 200,000 bee keeps spread across … with honour and respect.

Why Urban Bee Keeping is thriving and bees aren’t getting diseases in urban areas.

How you can start bee keeping

  • Go on the Honey Map and see if you can get a swarm.
  • Find a mentor.
  • Attend a workshop.

Bee keeping Tip: Don’t stand infant of the bee hive when inspecting it and stopping the traffic. Give yourself some room from behind.

Flow Hive

  • Getting the honey out and not interfering with the hive. This is a benefit. Less stings may occur.
  • You crack it, and the honey comes out.
  • You still have to know how to inspect the hives and look after them.
  • You still have to find a mentor or do a bee keeping course.
  • They have sold over 50,000 flow hives.

Learn more about The Flow Hive

Tips to Support Bees, thus the environment, thus ourselves!

  • Plant more flowers.
  • Don’t use glyphosate.
  • Most seeds on the market have been dipped in insecticide. That is enough to kill thousands of bees. We recommend Diggers organic seeds.
  • Don’t pick the weeds as much.
  • Keep water out for bees – like a bird bath, but add rocks and sticks so they don’t drown.

Biggest Threats to Bees, thus our environment, thus ourselves!

  • Pesticides and insecticides
  • Monoculture farming
  • Fracking and distribution to the water table.
  • Non-Native Electro Magnetic Fields (nnEMF)
  • Mosquito spraying communities.

nnEMF Supports The Prevalence of Ticks (Parasites that Cause Lyme Disease) by Killing Bees and Insects.

  • The disappearance of bees and precious insects (especially pollinated ones) are due to herbicides and pesticides BUT ALSO, perhaps more alarmingly – non-native electro-magnetic frequencies (nnEMF).
  • Ticks are now taking over because they are very insensitive to frequencies of cell-phone radiation.
  • Insects are not. That is why you’ll find a circle of dead insects on the floor next to a satellite or 5G smart meter.
  • What controlled the tik population in the past is the birds. Birds eat ticks. But they can’t live on ticks alone, they need insects in their diet also.
  • So now, birds have dramatically reduced because they have no insects to eat.
  • Thus, ticks proliferate, and are providing the beginning stages of lyme disease epidemics.
  • German footage showed trees and whole forest dying just because the cell phone tower was put up. Many people are documenting dying plants and trees which are next to the smart meter or 5G tower. nnEMF clearly destroys life – plant life, insect life, human microbiology.

Glyphosate: A potent antibiotic.

Bees and Vision

  • The remarkable eyesight of bees has long been a source of fascination in the scientific community.
  • Even though humans can see more colours, bees have a much broader range of colour vision.
  • Their ability to see ultraviolet light gives them an advantage when seeking nectar.
  • Many patterns on flowers are invisible to humans. These nectar “bulls-eyes” are visible only to animals, such as bees, that have the ability to see ultra-violet light.
  • This “bee vision” makes finding nectar much easier.
  • Their colour vision is the fastest in the animal world-five times faster than humans.
  • They can distinguish each flower precisely. Tell the difference between them. And while flying at high speed.

Royal Jelly

  • Royal Jelly is made by nurse bees by metabolising pollen and honey.
  • Special glands in the heads of worker bees secrete the phlegm stuff, which gets fed to babies.
  • Bee milk – which looks like white snot. – More than half water, then proteins and sugars.
  • A developing queen bee is fed royal jelly exclusively—not pollen and honey like her proletarian sisters.
  • Original school of thought – what elevated a regular honey bee larva to a queen.
  • New Science – says it actually the substance of NOT feeding an immature queen pollen and honey is what makes her royal – Wenfu Mao, Mary A. Schuler, and May R. Berenbaum. 2015. A dietary phytochemical alters caste-associated gene expression in honey bees. Science Advances 1(7).
  • In humans it has been studied for its truly remarkable regenerative powers which appear to work on a wide range of endocrine glands.
  • Acetylcholine – nootropic (smart drug / cognitive enhancer).
  • Contains fatty aides that promote BDNF and promos neurogenesis.
  • Royal Jelly is hard to extract.


  • In Greek, “Propolis” means “Protect the city.”
  • The most hygienic place in the world is the bee hive.
  • Propolis or bee glue is a resinous mixture that honey bees produce by mixing saliva and beeswax with exudate gathered from tree buds, sap flows, or other botanical sources.
  • Propolis is the blood of plants collected in the form of a range of tree resins.
  • It is the hive’s main defence against bacteria, viruses and moulds.
  • Bees clean their feet before entering the hive.
  • There are “security guards” are at the entrance of the hives to make sure everyone is clean.
  • It is particularly indicated in damp phlegmatic conditions of the mucus membranes.
  • Fantastic immune booster.
  • Great antibiotics – the development of resistance of the bacteria is practically impossible.
  • Good for topical applications for inflammatory conditions.
  • Ensure you are getting from a quality source since propolis can contain the toxins that the bees are keeping out!
  • Native Beeings – Australian Native Propolis which you can buy.
  • How to harvest propolis. Similar to a queen excluder

Propolis by Native Beeings

Australian Native Bees collect propolis ingredients from a diverse range of plants and provides a powerful and more complex spectrum of medicinal properties which results in the high bio-activity level of our Native Beeings propolis.

Discount code: VITALVEDA

Purchase Here

Manuka Honey

  • The legal battle between New Zealand and Australia regarding who owns the right the Manuka honey.
  • Australia honey is higher quality than NZ as NZ add a insecticide to the hives.

Organic Honey

Organic Smorganic.

Like the Macro brand in Australia.

Heated Honey Is Poison

Any temperature above 37 degrees Celsius applied to honey renders is poison.

A study showed that when honey is heated, it produces a chemical called hydroxymethylfurfuraldehyde (HMF), a substance linked in certain forms to toxicity and possible links to carcinogenic effects. Heating honey also alters its chemical contents in other ways (e.g. increases the peroxides, etc.). Peroxides are known for their unhealthy effect.

Learn more in the article: Honey – Nectar or Poison


America produces 160 million pounds of honey a year but eat 450 million pounds. The US Imports twice as much as it makes.

American packers blend honey with other honeys from the countries.

Somehow there is a surplus of honey. Where does that honey come from?

The production is erasing but consumption is increasing.

Honey is the supreme essence of the plants and the life sap of the sun.

Adulteration of Honey

  • Diluting honey with cheap syrups.
  • Syrups from corn or sugarcane started 25 years ago. USA.
  • The Chinese discovered syrups measured by rice is not detectable by detecting methods.
  • In 2007 the US Government declared “Chinas producers were unfairly jumping honey on the US market.”
  • So they put a huge tariff on Chinese honey. Tripled the price if it came from China.
  • But then, China shipped to Malaysia, and they shipped to USA.
  • Chinese were selling for half the price that Americans could produce it.
  • In 2008, the US did something about it.
  • The largest food fraud case in the US history. When the German company imported Russian honey that was tested as Chinese honey. Alfred F Wolf, hamburg based.
  • Purchase Order 995. “Polish Light Amber Honey.”
  • A PO for polish honey.
  • Lab tests identified this honey was adulterated with a prohibited anti-biotic, Chloramphenicol. Fed to bees to keep them healthy. Can be fatal for people who eat it. That is why it is illegal in the US to import food products that contain it.
  • 82 – 95% of the honey he was retaking into the US was part of a scheme.
  • Honey testing lab in Germany. Germany is the second biggest consumer after USA.

Capilano/Allowrie (Honey Brand that Adulterates) and their lawsuit with Simon

  • Now known as Hive & Wellness
  • Sold a lot to China.
  • Australian honey blended with Chinese and other foreign honey at a discount price – often to unwary Australian consumers.
  • They were suing Simon because he exposed their business practice.
  • Simon acquired test results from one of the world’s most accomplished laboratories confirming cheap imported supermarket honey, including Allowrie honey, is adulterated.
  • As a consequence the ACCC have notified Simon and advise they have re-opened their investigation into how Australian supermarkets can still continue to sell fake honey.
  • This could have become one of the biggest defamation cases in Australia’s legal history and has the potential to create legal precedent that further protects our right to free speech.
  • How we can help – email them.

Bee Pollen

  • a pellet of field-gathered flower pollen packed by worker honeybees.
  • Pollen plant sperm, or if you prefer – the reproductive essence of plants.
  • Used as the primary food source for the hive.
  • It is a true super food and unlike many is perfect for people with weak digestion.
  • With 27 trace elements and a host of vitamins including A,D, E, B1, B2, B3, B6 and Folic Acid.
  • It is strengthening and warming.
  • Good aphrodisiac and to increase the lust for life.
  • Sustainable – If we take only what is excess.
  • Adulteration – all pollen overseas has to be radiated.
  • Amber drop honey – pollen from NSW.
  • B1 third – pollen from Australia.

Amber Drop Honey, Bee Pollen from Western Australia

How to Take It
Start with a pinch of granules to ensure no adverse reaction and in crease by a ¼ of a teaspoon until you reach the recommended serving size of between 5g-10g per day.• Sprinkle over your morning muesli
• Add it into smoothies or juices
• Include it in your protein balls
• Sprinkle over fresh cut fruit and yoghurt
• Enjoy straight


product by LifeCykel – a supplement for bees. Animal immunity extracts.

The Beemunity™ extract is a mix of native Australian mushrooms and native Australian bush foods from Arnhem land.

The extracts are to promote pollination and rejuvenation of thousands of acres of lost forestry and vegetation.

By increasing the bees immune systems so that the bees live longer meaning a healthier more resilient hive.


Take Action

Make a conscious effort to not use toxic chemicals like roundup

Buy organic where possible

With the drought and fires leave water out with a stick or rock in it so the bees don’t drown, plant a sunflower garden, appreciate the bee as there are not many left, write a petition to your local and state government to ban pesticides.



Please leave me a comment below (I love to read every single one).


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Special thanks to Rudolf Steiner and Jiddu Krishnamurti for providing content.

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