Cancer: From Diagnosis to Empowerment & Integrative Oncology | Dr. Paul Anderson Podcast #055

Cancer is now flowing into every single person’s family.
1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will get cancer in their life.
But is the “C-word” sometimes convicted with unnecessary fear and over-exaggeration?
We also need to become more empowered in navigating the overload (and lack) of information that is available on the cancer journey.
We need to create an open discussion of all the possibilities that we can use to treat and prevent cancer.


Paul Anderson, is an integrative oncologist and highly respected naturopathic physician practicing in Seattle and Arizona. He is a graduate of NCNM, and a full-time core faculty member at Bastyr University, teaching in the clinical science division.

Dr. Anderson is a recognised educator and clinician in integrative and naturopathic medicine with a focus on complex infectious, chronic and oncologic illness.

In addition to three decades clinical experience he also was head of the interventional arm of a US-NIH funded human research trial using IV Vitamin C and other therapies in cancer patients. He founded Advanced Medical Therapies in Seattle, Washington, a clinic focusing on the care of patients with cancer and chronic diseases.

He is co-author of the Hay House book “Outside the Box Cancer Therapies” with Dr. Mark Stengler as well as a co-author with Jack Canfield in the anthology “Success Breakthroughs” and the author of his latest book, Cancer: The Journey from Diagnosis to Empowerment.

He is a frequent CME speaker and writer and has extended his educational outreach through his website. Former positions include professor of Pharmacology and Clinical Medicine at Bastyr University and Chief of IV Services for Bastyr Oncology Research Center.



Excess screening vs inadequate (and potentially damaging) screening

Considering your family medical history and demographic vs. not being bound/influenced by your genetics.

But “test anxiety” and fear may promote the development of the cancer you are caring for.


  • If you do regular mammograms, you have an increased risk of cancer. Due to the high amount of radiation.
  • Mammograms say that they miss 20% or more pathology, especially if they have dense breasts.
  • Technology – a low tech image. A really dull instrument. Poor sensitivity.

Safer & Potentially More Effective Diagnostic Methods Screening Woman for Cancer

  • MRI – this does not have ionising radiation.
  • Pap Smear – good.

Prostate Screening for Men

The PSA (prostate specific antigen) marker in your blood is a protein is inadequate to measure prostate cancer.

Genetics and Epigenetics:

People are seriously confused about the true cause of cancer.
They believe it is a genetic disease, but the genetic damage is a downstream side effect from the mitochondria disfunction which is a result of poor diet, nnEMF exposure etc. – those are the causes.

Nature Medicine peer reviewed Journal – came out with an article in 2016 that 90% of cancers are lifestyle and environment – how many doctors ask their patients about their lifestyle and environment ?

  • Paediatric cancers – babies born with cancer.
  • NRCA gene mutation family. – 40% of women who have BRCA mutations never get cancer.

Negative influences for the epigenome.

Test Anxiety

Especially in people who already have cancer.

The Lagging Progress of Cancer

Over one trillion dollars has been invested into cancer and they are getting very little progress.

This is because the main stream research may be down the wrong pathway.

Other Bio-Marker Chemical Tests That Can Help Indicate Cancer

  • High sensitivity CRP (C-reactive protein) – non specific marker for inflammation. Tells something is brewing. On regular blood test. Doesn’t mean cancer. Range: ideally less than one.
  • Haemoglobin A1C – 3 months average of blood sugar. – This can indicate if the environment promotes cancer.
  • PHI – enzyme for hypoxia (low oxygen). Cancer thrives in that environment.

Dealing With Standard Oncologists & Integrative Oncology

  • Dealing with standard oncologists who don’t know about alternative therapies. Potential conflict.
  • What if I want to integrate alternative therapies in addition to standard treatment?
  • How to approach doctors who are closed minded?
  • Poisonous influences.
  • Utilise integrative oncologists.

Chemotherapy and Radiation.

  • Many of the drugs used today for chemotherapy were the same cytotoxic killing therapies used 50-70 years ago. These may be outdated.
  • Maintenance chemotherapy – when is it done?
  • Preventative chemotherapy
  • The rebound effect of chemo and radiation.
  • It is wise to good my immune system during chemotherapy?

    Most modern biological drugs are compatible with immune boosting botanicals.

Circulating tumour cells and stem cells:

  • The vast majority of the reasons why people are dying from cancer, on the pathological level, are due to these circulating stem cells.
  • Surgery, chemo, radio will not remove these cells. They actually irritate them.
  • These cells are the biggest cause of reoccurrence.
  • These are also the eventual cause of death.
  • It doesn’t seem that modern chemotherapy or radiation is going to be able to specifically target these stem cells anytime.

Why Everybody Has Cancer Stem Cells

If everyone have cancer cells…
What determines whether one has their cancer stem cells switched on or off?

Secondary Prevention (Preventing cancer from coming back)

For current or past cancer patients. Considering the whole body and mind.

When and Where Does Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy Have Their Place?

Surgery’s impact on circulating cancer stem cells

Any invasive therapy – you till have to clean the system up around it and promote healing.

What you can do to enhance the effect of the surgery and heal from it.

Fasting in association with surgery.

Biopsies can spread tumours.

Focusing on the health and the parts of the body that do not have cancer.



Fasting as the number one intervention of choice for cancer.

IV treatments for cancer:

Why doesn’t my hospital offer this?

Vitamin C and it’s relationship with cancer:

  • Orchestration of the immune system.
  • External influences that settle somewhere in the body, and the immune system goes to do it’s job to clean up the cells, and inevitably creates the problem.
  • Viruses invading certain areas.
  • Environmental sources.
  • Toxicity.
  • Diet – diet is a significant way in for toxic material.
  • Glycemic load.
  • Medical interventions – Such as modern biological drugs used to treat cancer. Modern medical interventions and drugs confuse the immune system and don’t allow it to regenerate.

Vitamin C

  • Unlike animals, humans cannot make their own vitamin C, so you have to take it from outside sources.
  • Low dose vs. High dose.
  • Low dose vitamin C – eat from foods and take in supplements.
  • Food over supplements for vitamin c intake?
  • Foods high in vitamin C.
  • Anand Sid Yog herbal formula contain Amalaki (indian gooseberry) as its main ingredient which is  high in vitamin C.
  • Anti-oxidant action and pro-immune system – especially in the “normal” (healthy) cells and trigger beneficial immune signalling.
  • Increases hydrogen peroxide which causes potent oxidative stress to these cancer cells, which is especially effective when fasting.
  • Intravenous Vitamin C
  • High dose Vit C – average higher dose start around 25,000mg, average for cancer is 50,000 – 100,000mg. Creates immune response around areas of inflammation.
  • GCPD deficiency and fragile blood cells (sickle cell disease) cannot tolerate these high doses.
  • Liposomal Vit C – It is in a fat envelope (liposome) there is a fat transport that doesn’t use the same pathways. They bypass check points in the digestive tract. Most of the liposomal activity is in the digestive tract, but these sneak through the cells are put into the lymphatic system – they go around the liver and miss the liver and get dumped into the blood. If your liver needs vitamin C it will get it eventually.
  • 1-3K mg a day of any form of Vit C.
  • Low dose – prevention. Supplements, hundreds to a few thousands mg. Plenty if you are healthy.
  • When sick, take 20,000 mg orally.
  • Using vitamin C therapy in association with other cancer therapies.
  • Contra-indications for high dose Vitamin C? – Those withG6PD enzyme deficiency, fragile blood cells (sickle cell disease) and similar genetic diseases have to be careful for high does.
  • How to give IV Vit C safely according to the individual person – considering how much to dilute it, how fast to give it, adding other minerals.


Turmeric should be used daily in cooking.

Thermo Therapies

  • Been used for a long time. Some of the most basic and oldest approaches to medicine.
  • Helps regular oncology therapies work better.

Cryotherapy (freezing)

Good tool for freezing and reducing tumours and leaving it to the immune system to clean up.

Hyperthermia (heat therapy)

Whole body or just heating up a certain organ where the cancer is.

Dylan Smith bathing in cold water

The word CANCER

  • How do you interact with that word?
  • Is it being over exaggerated?
  • Is cancer actually a death sentence?
  • How much power do you give to the cancer?

Terminal Cancer Cases



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Special thanks to Rudolf Steiner and Jiddu Krishnamurti for providing content.

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