To Get Vxcinated or Not? Become Informed About The C19 Vxcc!ne | Stephanie Grutz #050

The Covid vaccine has arrived, whether we want it or not.
We need stop making vaccines taboo to talk about and we need to learn about them and become properly informed.
We need to use our judgment and intuition and while staying away from cognitive dissonance, make a choice based on our personal experiences and what we truely believe and feel is right.
How do we make tough choices? We learn as much as we can and then make a choice.
This un-biased podcast episode features health information from Ayurvedic health practitioner Dylan Smith as he interviews an integrative health practitioner Stephanie Grutz who has thoroughly researched the Covid-19 Vaxcine.

Leave behind our views and preferences.

Let’s drop the propaganda and seemingly “hippie dippie” views.

Let’s explore both sides and more importantly, the science.


Stephanie is an integrative nurse practitioner with over 12 years in the field of medicine. In 2009, Stephanie was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and eventually diagnosed with Crohn’s. She started down a path of biologics and steroids with deteriorating health. As she desperately searched for answers, she stumbled upon integrative medicine. She went all in, changed her mind, body and spirit and started treating herself holistically. Since 2014, Stephanie has been using her skills and experiences to help empower others to work towards their healthiest selves.

I chose Stephanie to be on this podcast because of her extensive, non-biased independent research on the C19 Vaxcine.


The Role of Standard Vaccines

The goal – to stimulate your own immune system to recognise a threat, before that threat actually shows up.

By exposing your immune system to a piece of a virus, the immune system can spin up a memory response so when it’s exposed to the real thing in the future, it very quickly ramps up anti-bodies and T-cells and an immune response and potentially knocks that potential invader up.

As opposed to when you are first exposed to the virus, it can take quite some time for the immune response to kick in.

Neutralising anti-bodies.

Ingredients in the C19 Vaxcine to Beware Of

  • PEG (polyethylene glycol)
  • M-Neon Green – a marine bioluminescent material. No studies are done on the safety of this technology. Can relate with auto-immune.

Pfzier Vaxciner

  • The CEO said this vaxcine was 95% effective and the next day sold his shares.

Pfizers Criminal History

Pfizer has been a “habitual offender”, persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt  marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results.

Since 2002, the company and its subsidiaries have been assessed $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards.

What is an mRNA Vaxine

mRNA vaxcine include Pfizer and Moderna vaxine.

mRNA vxcines are genetically engineered vaxcines so are associated with risk factors of auto-immune disease and auto-immune reactions.

Spike proteins in the vxcine are similar to what is in our body, particularly similarly to what is in our placenta. This may cause auto-immune reaction.

Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity

Therapeutic indications and General recommendations for the C19 Vaxine:

This is for individuals 16 years and older.

The safety for children under 16 has not yet established.

Special Warnings


If they have anaphylaxis the first dose, do not give.

General recommendations:

  • Should be postponed in individuals suffering from acute severe febrile illness. – (If you are currently sick).
  • Individuals receiving anticoagulant therapy or those with bleeding disorder. (Standard)
  • Immune-compromised people.

4.6 Fertility, pregnancy and lactation and the C19 Vaxcine


  • There are no or limited amount of data from the use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2.
  • Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed.
  • Not recommended during pregnancy.
  • Women of childbearing age, pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination.
  • In addition, women of childbearing age should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose.

Pregnancy is a time of protection.

There is no time to inject a compound that specifically triggers inflammation, specifically immune inflammation in order to get an anti-body production.

These vaccines are designed to up-regulate the immune system when pregnancy is an absolute time for immune suppression.

This is why auto-immune conditions are suppressed during pregnancy.  This is why some women feel so good when pregnant, because their immune system is suppressed so you don’t abort a baby – because you will think it is a foreign body and potentially harm it.

They give steroids to pregnancy women with high natural killer T cells (immune system) to regulate this.

Vaccines dramatically increased the immune system.

Pregnant women are getting the vaccine and some health care professionals are advising for it!

The Moderna vaccine excluded pregnant and breast-feeding women from the vaccine trial.

They don’t want women to try conceive a child within a month of the second injection.

They also don’t want males in the study to impregnate women from the time of the first vaccination till a month after getting the second injection.

Under 5.2. Exclusion Criteria in their reposer –

Breast-Feeding and the C19 Vaxcine

It is unknown where COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is excreted in human milk.

A risk to newborns/infants cannot be excluded.

C19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 should not be used during breast-feeding.

Fertility and the C19 Vaxcine

It is unknown whether C19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 has an impact on fertility.

(If you are trying or planning to conceive, even in the distant future – the danger is unknown but suspected by science).

The Unstable PCR Test That is Being Utilised to Diagnose Covid19

Vaxcine Damage

Injuries and adverse effects.

Can We Detox The Vaxcine Out of Our Body?


REG 174 Information for UK Healthcare professionals – (UK government document).

Stephanie on Instagram – The Healthy Practitioner

Instagram Accounts We Recommend to Follow to Stay Informed on C19 Vaxcine


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Special thanks to Rudolf Steiner and Jiddu Krishnamurti for providing content.

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